Båden, en 1x juniorsculler, blev døbt ved standerhejsningen 7. april 2001
FORS-formand Kristian Bøckhaus døbte båden.
Båden er sponseret af SAS Outriggerregatta.
Flyet, som båden er opkaldt efter, er en DHC-8-400B (Q400), LN-RDW, som ankommer til SAS medio april 2001
FLOKE VIKING er opkaldt efter en nordmand fra Harald Hårfagers tid i 9. århundrede. Det var Floke, der fandt og navngav Island.
Sakset fra internet vedrørende bosættelserne på Island:
According to Landnamabok (The icelandic peoples own book of Icelandic history) it was a Swede with the name Gardard Svarvarsson who discovered Iceland. But the one who colonized the island was a Norwegian called Floke Vilgerdsson.
Floke got to Iceland in the year of 815 as a refugee, expelled by the Norwegian king Harald Herfagre. Harald Herfagre was the first real king of Norway. He was a very ruthless king who did everything he could to prevent anyone else from taking power. Among other things he condemned many hundreds of the noblest families to exile. In Iceland they saw the chance to start all over again. According to old Icelandic tales the first major colony of Norwegians and Swedes in exile arived in Iceland in 874.
The Norwegian Flóki Vilgerðarson uprooted his farm and family and headed for Snæland. He navigated with ravens and after some experiments one of the ravens did not return and Flóki followed its direction and found the shores of Snæland. His use of ravens gave him the nickname, Hrafna Flóki (Raven’s Flóki), by which he has been known ever since. He sailed to Vatnsfjörður on the west coast but was far from being impressed by the enviroment. When he saw icebergs floating in the fjord he named the island Ísland (Iceland) probably as much to discourage others from arriving there as anything else. He then returned to Norway but at some point reconsidered his position as he did in fact return to Iceland some years later and settled in the Skagafjörður district on the north coast.
Iceland was discovered by accident. From time to time, ships drifted off their course because of fog or storms and ended up on unknown shores. Before Iceland was colonised in the 9th C it had been sighted at least a couple of times by seafarers out off course. The Norwegian Floke Velgedarsson was the first to search for Iceland. He had an accurate description of the course that had been described for him by a merchant that had seen the island. Floke brought with him three ravens on the ship. These he used as scouts just as Noa had used his pigeons. One day one raven didn’t return, which meant that he had found land or at least solid rock to land on. Floke followed the raven’s direction and found Iceland. He stayed over the winter with his men and because of the icy storms raging, he named the new land Iceland.In 874 two Norwegian brothers, Leif and Ingulf, fled to Iceland after killing two men. With them they brought their families and slaves. They settled near Reykjavik and each started a farm of his own. Soon Leif’s slaves became tired of the hard work and organised an uprising in which Leif was killed. Ingolf hunted the slaves down and killed them. His farm grew and soon other Norwegians came to Iceland. Unconfirmed theories claim that Iceland had over 20.000 inhabitants 930 AD.